Andrew Feinstein: Anti-Corruption Crusader and Exposer of Global Corruption - Amelie Harry

Andrew Feinstein: Anti-Corruption Crusader and Exposer of Global Corruption

Andrew Feinstein’s Career

Andrew Feinstein is a British author, anti-corruption campaigner, and former politician. He served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Burnley from 1997 to 2005, during which time he was a vocal critic of corruption and cronyism within the Labour Party.

Political Roles and Responsibilities

As an MP, Feinstein served on the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee and the International Development Select Committee. He was also a member of the Parliamentary Labour Party’s National Executive Committee. In these roles, he was responsible for scrutinizing government policy and holding the government to account.

Anti-Corruption Efforts

Feinstein has been a prominent figure in the fight against corruption both in the UK and internationally. He is the founder of Corruption Watch UK, a non-profit organization that investigates and exposes corruption. He has also written extensively on the subject, including his book “The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade.”

Feinstein’s Writings and Publications

Andrew Feinstein is a prolific writer and has published numerous books and articles on topics related to corruption, tax avoidance, and the role of money in politics. His writings have garnered critical acclaim and have been translated into several languages.


  • The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade (2011): This book exposes the inner workings of the global arms trade, detailing the corruption, greed, and human suffering that it perpetuates.
  • The Offshore Imperative: Tax Havens and the True Cost of Global Inequality (2016): This book examines the role of tax havens in facilitating tax avoidance and evasion, arguing that they contribute to global inequality and hinder economic development.
  • Plunderers: How Big Business Bought the American Democracy (2021): This book investigates the corrupting influence of big business on American politics, arguing that it has led to a decline in democracy and a widening gap between the rich and the poor.


In addition to his books, Feinstein has published numerous articles in academic journals and popular publications. His articles have appeared in outlets such as The Guardian, The New York Times, and Foreign Affairs.

Feinstein’s writings are characterized by their rigorous research, incisive analysis, and passionate advocacy for social justice. He has been praised for his ability to make complex issues accessible to a wide audience and for his willingness to challenge powerful interests.

Feinstein’s Role in Exposing Corruption: Andrew Feinstein

Andrew feinstein

Andrew Feinstein has been a prominent figure in uncovering and exposing corruption in South Africa and beyond. His investigations have played a crucial role in bringing corrupt practices to light and holding those responsible to account.

Investigations in South Africa

Feinstein’s investigations in South Africa focused on the rampant corruption that plagued the country during the apartheid era and its aftermath. He meticulously documented instances of bribery, kickbacks, and other forms of financial misconduct, implicating high-level government officials and business leaders. His work helped expose the extent of corruption within the African National Congress (ANC) and its impact on the country’s economy and society.

International Investigations

Feinstein’s work extended beyond South Africa. He investigated corruption in other African countries, as well as in Europe and the United States. His investigations uncovered illicit financial flows, tax evasion, and money laundering schemes involving multinational corporations and political elites. Feinstein’s findings have contributed to the growing awareness of the global nature of corruption and the need for concerted action to combat it.

Feinstein’s Advocacy for Transparency and Accountability

Andrew feinstein

Andrew Feinstein has been a vocal advocate for transparency and accountability in government and business. He believes that these principles are essential for combating corruption and ensuring that power is used responsibly.

Feinstein has proposed a number of reforms and measures to combat corruption, including:

Strengthening whistleblower protections

Feinstein believes that whistleblowers play a vital role in exposing corruption. He has called for stronger laws to protect whistleblowers from retaliation and to provide them with financial support.

Increasing the transparency of government spending

Feinstein has called for greater transparency in government spending, so that citizens can see how their money is being used. He has proposed requiring government agencies to publish detailed information about their budgets and expenditures online.

Establishing independent anti-corruption agencies

Feinstein believes that independent anti-corruption agencies are essential for combating corruption effectively. He has called for the establishment of such agencies in countries around the world.

Feinstein’s Criticism of the Arms Industry

Andrew Feinstein has been a vocal critic of the arms industry, highlighting the corruption and human rights abuses associated with it. He argues that the industry operates in a largely unregulated environment, which allows companies to profit from the sale of weapons to repressive regimes and non-state actors.

Campaigning Against the Arms Trade

Feinstein has been involved in several campaigns against the arms trade, including the Control Arms Campaign and the Arms Trade Treaty. He has also testified before parliamentary committees and international bodies on the need for greater regulation of the industry. Feinstein’s work has contributed to raising awareness about the human cost of the arms trade and the need for stronger international controls.

Feinstein’s Legacy and Impact

Andrew feinstein
Andrew Feinstein’s work has had a profound impact on the fight against corruption, both in South Africa and internationally. His investigations into corruption in the arms industry have helped to expose the extent of the problem and have led to calls for greater transparency and accountability in the arms trade. His advocacy for transparency and accountability has also helped to raise awareness of the importance of these issues and has led to a number of reforms in the way that governments and businesses operate.

Significance of Feinstein’s Work, Andrew feinstein

Feinstein’s work has been praised by anti-corruption activists around the world. He has been described as “a tireless campaigner for transparency and accountability” and “a true pioneer in the fight against corruption.” His work has also been recognized by a number of awards, including the prestigious Integrity Award from Transparency International.

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